5 Perfect Ways to Simplify Your Next Move

by Susan Stewart | January 11, 2017

This is a guest post. Written by Alyse at Casper.com
It is no doubt that moving can present a logistical nightmare and seem like a daunting (yet exciting) transition for us all. With an average of eleven moves per lifetime, it is no question that you’ll experience this stressful transition at one point or another – it’s time we learn to embrace it. With mindful planning and thoughtful preparation you will be able to save yourself from the pains and headaches commonly associated with the process.

Find The Right Help:  The hassle of finding a moving company that will present you a reasonable offer for the unique and specific relocation services you need can often feel like a challenge. There are a variety of services out there and the various range of options can make it hard to find your ideal choice. When enquiring in moving related services, be sure and confident in your specific needs. Also remain aware and informed of the various specialty services moving companies offer – both local and national. The chaos related with relocation will always be a present reality during almost any move, just remember that it is only temporary and options always exist! Maybe you’re just not looking forward to the packing/unpacking process? Luckily there’s an option for that too – limit your stresses by employing the right help where you need it most.

Schedule Ahead: Thoughtful preparation will pay off, when you have a free moment between everything else on the to do list, try to think about life in your new place and what comes next? Utilities & Services are on that list! Remember that you don’t have to wait until you’re in your new place and unpacking to call and set up those service appointments. Get ahead of the hassle and set your post-move schedule prior to the move. If you time things right the visits can fall during the time you already have made available for unpacking.

Refresh & Replace: Spring Cleaning is not only an April or May routine. Moving Season, regardless of the time of the year is a great time to replace overworn and overlooked items. Whether this is a box of shoes you no longer wear, or furniture that you have had for far too long – lighten the load for the move and consider selling, donating or trashing (recycling) the things you no longer need or plan on replacing. There is also no need to move your old essentials like your mattress, sofa, or dated appliances –  just to replace it weeks into the future. With the increasingly high rates of ecommerce shopping behaviors, consider shipping your new home essentials directly to your new front doorstep. Today, even furniture like these quality mattresses (made popular by Casper) are shrunk, packed and delivered directly to you – convenience during any move is the key!

Set Aside (enough) Essentials: One of the hardest parts of moving home is being disheveled for any duration of time. There is nothing more frustrating than not being able to find something you know you own and have packed away somewhere in your sea of stuff. When packing, make sure to set aside an essentials “kit” for the transition period of the move – consider including things like valuables, chargers, toiletries, extra clothing and important documents you could see yourself searching for later.

The Process of Unpacking: A little organization goes a long way. Label your boxes – generally by room, this way when you unpack you can move from one room to the next in a orderly manner. Also, start with the most important spaces like your bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. Don’t start unpacking the next room until you complete the one before, this will allow for a smooth, quick and efficient process. While your new space is empty and bare, develop a sort of storage and organizational framework – Take note of closet space, attic availability and any organizational updates you’d prefer before filling it with boxes. It is always easier to size up a space and its potential before you move in and unload all the boxes! If your mind doesn’t easily dissect a space for potential or maybe you don’t have the energy or time – consider a professional home organizer to help with the process!

Moving Checklist Booklet

Free Moving Checklist

With a little forethought and planning, you can make your move less chaotic and more enjoyable.

At Perfectly Placed, we specialize in helping clients get settled into their homes quickly and find a perfect place for every item in the new house. But we won't keep all of our secrets to ourselves. We have created this moving checklist to help you get into your new place with fewer hiccups and headaches.

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