Simple Tips for Organizing Your Photos


Part of parenting inevitable involves managing photos and memories of your childrens’ lives.

While most of the photos you take now are probably digital it is very likely you have hard copies of photos that you took back in the 90’s or that have been passed down from family members. Using a photo container box which can be bought from the Container Store or other outlets like Amazon, will allow you to set up a system that makes it easier to organize, store and retrieve photos and preserver your family memories. This makes things a lot easier when the day comes that you want to show those photos to your kids or share with your grandkids. 


Most people feel overwhelmed with too much stuff. We have a 3 step process that eliminates clutter and brings order to your life. Learn more about our organizing services and how we can get you organized and experiencing more peace of mind. Call today 636-686-0888.