3 MORE Things Taking Up Too Much Space in Your Home

by Susan Stewart | October 19, 2016

Due to the response from our last tip, we have decided to add 3 MORE things that seem to multiply overnight in your home. These  items may be something you are afraid to get rid of or simply don’t know what to do with them.

Too much clutter takes up valuable space in your closet, drawers and home and robs you of peace of mind. It’s time to do something about it.

Getting organized starts with knowing what you can let go of. Here are 3 things taking up space in many of our homes:

Plastic Bags – It doesn’t take long before they begin to take over an entire section of the pantry or laundry room because you are sure they will be useful and you hate to throw them away.

  • Give yourself a boundary by using a bag dispenser. This will keep you from saving too many.
  • Use reusable grocery bags and store them in your car so you have them with you when you shop to cut down on the amount of bags coming in.
  • Recycle your bags at the grocery store. Most stores have a grocery bag recycle bin just outside or inside the door.

Shoes – The kids grow out of them so quickly it’s hard to keep up and most master closets are overflowing with shoes too. Shoe companies would like to tell you, you can never have enough shoes but I disagree. Too many shoes makes clutter and causes stress. You know you won’t wear the ones that hurt your feet or don’t fit right but you just feel guilty about letting go of something on which you spent money. Purging your shoes will simplify your life and will also bless someone in need.

  • St. Louis peeps can donate to Shoeman Water Projects. Shoeman partners with organizations to provide shoes to those in need and provide clean water to those in developing countries.
  • Give your shoes to Soles4Souls who fights poverty through the collection and distribution of shoes and clothing.
  • Donate them. Plain and simple. Any donation place will take shoes in good condition.

Pens and pencils – They are taking over desk drawers and junk drawers. You may have 3 or 4 containers filled with them on your desktop. And yet, every August when school supplies go on sale, you go buy more.  Furthermore, when you grab a pen or pencil that doesn’t work or is out of lead, you throw it back in the drawer!

  • Non working pens and pencils should be thrown in the trash.
  • Working pens and pencils can be donated to an organization called Right to Write.
  • Fill a ziploc bag and bring it to a teacher. Schools can always use writing utensils in the classroom.


If you’ve tried decluttering on your help but felt stuck consider hiring us to come in and give you a hand. Contact us today  or call 636-686-0048 to get organized.