5 Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing Bins and Baskets

by Susan Stewart | January 21, 2017

Bins and baskets are fun to buy. They come in so many shapes, sizes and colors! It’s also easy to lose focus. With so many choices available, how do you know which ones to buy? Below are 5 mistakes you need to avoid when choosing.

Mistake #1: Not measuring. Have you ever been shopping for a container and returned home only to find it was a half inch too long to fit in the cabinet? Of course you have. We’ve all done it and it’s extremely frustrating! This may have even resulted in quitting the organizing project altogether. Next time, measure your space and record those measurements on your phone so you don’t lose them. Even better, record the measurements and take a picture of the space in which you’d like to use that bin or basket. This will make it easier to visualize your container in it’s space. Most bins and baskets have the measurements on the tag but I like to keep a small tape measurer in my purse just in case. I cant’ tell you how often it has come in handy.

Mistake #2: Buying without a design plan. Purchasing pretty bins and baskets is fun and tempting…. especially when they put out all of the beautiful new colors. But here’s the problem. The pink and orange containers that were so pretty in the store don’t match anything in your house—and matching matters. When you see organized spaces in magazines, the reason it looks so beautiful is because the containers match the color scheme of the room. Instead, take the time to figure out what you need to store in your space and what colors would work well in that room. Pick bins and baskets that complement your decor.

Mistake #3: Not considering the material of your container. Bins and baskets can be made of a variety of materials but, not all of them are appropriate for every kind of use. Storing items that can spill in baskets that are hard to wipe out can be a mistake. So can choosing woven bins in a laundry room where lint collects in every crevice. Instead, know how and where you will use your containers before purchasing them. Food, crafts and bathroom items work well in plastic bins because they are messy and can be easily wiped out or washed. Woven containers work well when used in an open space because they blend well with decor. Fabric or plastic baskets work well in closets because they won’t snag your clothing.

Mistake #4: Not giving your bin or basket a purpose. When containers are not given a specific purpose or job, they just collect clutter. Plain and simple. “Catch alls” are not a good thing and are easy ways for items to get lost. Next time you purchase a bin or basket, give it a specific purpose or category and stick to it. No more collecting junk.

Mistake #5: Not labeling. Sure you had a purpose in mind when you originally set your container in action. Trouble is, no one else in the house knows what that purpose is or was. And, if enough time goes by, you may forget yourself what it’s purpose was. Having labels on containers defines their use and makes it harder to throw something in that doesn’t coincide with it’s label. Labels also make reclaiming a space easier when things get out of hand.

If you need more help with choosing the right bins or baskets, call (636-686-0048) and let us do it for you. We will help you declutter and set up simple systems that work for you and your lifestyle.